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About FLOW Rewired

FLOW Rewired's approach is unique and quite different from other health and fitness professionals. Taking a preventative approach, not only addressing the body, but a comprehensive and in-depth approach to the nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset of each individual.


Training: Tailored to the unique goals and capacity of everyone's needs, whether improving overall performance or overcoming chronic pain, bridging the gap between rehabilitation and fitness. I teach and empower individuals to fine-tune their biomechanics via corrective exercise. We then create an intuitive and enjoyable movement practice of their own, focusing on mobility, stability, dexterity, and strength. 


Nutrition and lifestyle: Guidance here provides comprehensive support to overcome challenges as well as build a functional, sustainable, healthier life. You'll obtain insights, tips, and tools to maintain your FLOW. Whether eliminating gut issues, fatigue, increasing all around vitality or just fine-tuning. Here is where you cultivate your true inner strength.


Mindset: Gain the clairvoyance to find your purpose as well as see the magic of life and the positivity in it. You'll think clearer and understand yourself better to sustain that change. The most important keys are dedication, not just from me but you, patience because all good things in life take time, and having fun because life is too short not to! This is where that inner strength is solidified.


Getting started is exciting however the work itself can sometimes feel uncomfortable. New exercises can be frustrating while we work on creating the strength, stability, or range of motion, implementing a new approach to lifestyle can be overwhelming, or making unconscious thoughts and actions conscious can definitely be challenging but as the saying goes: true growth happens outside of your comfort zone. Seeking discomfort, if you will. But remember your 3 keys and that true joy happens during the journey, not at the destination. The hardest things tend to be the most effective.


Let's take the first step to finding your FLOW!​

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Nick Poppa - Licensed CHEK Practitioner

At one point, my health revolved around fitness – and my fitness around aesthetics.

That path led me to living with chronic back pain and a labrum tear in my shoulder. I shortly realized that aesthetics, although nice to have, was not what mattered. Rather, the functional capacity of my body mattered the most. In addition to the physical pursuits and injuries, I had battled addiction for many years. Challenged on not only the physical front, but mental, as well.


​My desire for growth, pursuit of knowledge, and excellence brought me to the CHEK Institute, the most integrated approach to health, well-being and fitness. I hadn't found a system like it.


What followed was the new-found awareness and understanding that food and water, thoughts, environment, and the way my body moved all influenced one another. Not one system in the body works alone. On top of that, not one person has the exact same needs. From here, I took my health into my own hands. I developed a personal practice by first rewiring my body and gut – and then my mind, utilizing the tools I learned to not just manage but eliminate my pain and find purpose in my life.


This ultimately led to the discovery of my dream. Guiding individuals like yourself to get out of pain and live a life full of health, connection, happiness and purpose. Most importantly, living in FLOW (Functional Lifestyle of Wellness).


Now, let's connect and get started on rewiring your FLOW!

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